Bren's Blog —Notes on Everyday Life

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. -Jack Layton


Why I Write

Writing Hand, Black & WhiteSource

Death, Meaningless Ideas, Timeless Work, and Paper

Perhaps the first thing that I’d like to write after the obviously required navel-gazing of yesterday is more navel-gazing today — but of a different flavor. Perhaps a bit more morbid.

I enjoy the metaphysical writing about writing, as though if I meditate on the topic enough, I’ll somehow garner the skill to masterfully execute it. As though I’m trying to bend the spoon with my mind, just looking at it. I don’t think it’s truly any sort of specialty, though.

Yet, despite the fruitlessness of particular topics — such as this one — writing does help me in a multitude of ways.

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Posted On: Thursday, November 02, 2017

Not Writing a Novel: NaNoWriMo

November DreamingSource

An Act of Rebellion

Well, it’s officially the first day of NaNoWriMo. Exciting stuff, huh? Like with my personal monthly writing challenges, I’ve signed up year after year, only to fail.

And here I am on Medium, writing this blog post instead of a story. People love writing more about the process of novel-writing than actually writing novels. I’m no exception here.

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Posted On: Thursday, November 02, 2017

CSS Hacks & Creating Blogs


Solving Web Design Problems in a Clever Manner.

For the past week or so, I’ve been working on a blog theme for the popular platform Tumblr from scratch. It’s been a (mostly) fun experience, and I thought I’d share some things about web development that I learned along the way.

Now, to some it might be a bit silly to use a platform that’s well past it’s heyday — with its parent company Yahoo! being acquired by Verizon awhile back, and having a rather uncertain future.

The truth is that it’s more nostalgia than anything. I first got on the website five or six years ago, and tinkering with the layout was my first exposure to programming as a whole. With that said, I should note that all of these tips can be used in any web design and development!

All of your code in a single document on the left, with a semi-live preview on the right.

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Posted On: Friday, October 06, 2017

Earn Your Keep

Type TypewriterSource

Past and Future Writing

WHETHER WE WANT TO OR NOT, we leave our footprint on the world — particularly a digital one. We leave a legacy scattered across the Internet. And I believe this is a truly marvellous thing. As I’ve written in the past, I believe the Internet is still an exciting new frontier for anybody to find their voice. A place where anybody can stop being a consumer and start being a creator. But what exactly are you going to create? That’s the question I’ve been struggling with since I began blogging.

I think this is a problem common to a lot of people that want to begin, they don’t know where to start. We all want our work to be creative and interesting — to be read by people all over the world. It can be a struggle to find what exactly makes us unique — we’re all just a drop in an ocean.
More than that, though, it can be an even harder struggle to find a topic we have enough authority to talk about. Everybody suffers from impostor syndrome. That’s not even mentioning that it should be enjoyable, right? You want to be passionately working without it feeling like work.

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Posted On: Wednesday, September 13, 2017