Bren's Blog —Notes on Everyday Life

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. -Jack Layton


Making Good Work to Get Paid

Currency, Money, before Euro. | Source

Yes, You’ll Have to Pay to Read This — And Here’s Why.

Trying to understand why you should make people pay to read what you create is about letting people pay you to fail, DRY writing, time frugality, plunging into ice-cold waters, and adding true value. Sound interesting? Let me explain…

Yesterday, I didn’t post anything. I didn’t write anything, either. Technically, by my own rules, I have lost my November rebel challenge. I’m certainly not going to achieve the 50,000 word-count. But that’s okay, I’ll keep going. That’s the important part. A bit of interesting news — I joined Medium’s Partnership Program! I have only a few articles that I changed to Members-only (1, 2, 3, 4). This article is going to be one of them, too.

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Posted On: Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Bonfire Night


Minor Thoughts & Trying to Figure Everything Out

It is very late on a Sunday night. I’m tired but I want to write. I want to write something good. I don’t want to merely churn out something formulaic that would satisfy the daily word counter.

My expected goal is ~8,300 words, and I’m far behind that. Sure, I have plenty of time to catch up, but that’s the last thing I want to do. As I’ve written before, momentum goes in one of two directions. The inertia you create for yourself is either slowing you down or speeding you up. By being behind the needed word count, I’m fighting an uphill battle.

Of course, I’ll try my best regardless! It’s far better to get something done rather than get nothing done. Anything is better than nothing. So let’s get started.

The difficulty comes from the difference between marathoning fiction writing and nonfiction writing, and the access to ideas. Theoretically, you could have new ideas for fiction writing each day, and subsequently keep going indefinitely.

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Posted On: Monday, November 06, 2017

A Personal History of Blogging

Desk AuditoriumSource

Trying to Understand the Democracy of the Internet

Obligated Preamble

By the fourth day, you come to get into a sense of flow. There’s less pressure to put your best foot forward, and more pressure to just put *anything at all* forward in order to not derail.

There’s a bit more hair-pulling, a bit more chaos. I think the reason for this is other obligations. Such as school and work. It really makes me wonder how people set aside enough time to hash out an entire novel in a month. Is that the purpose of sabbatical? Taking time off always seemed like a weird concept to me.

Anyways, what I do know is that, in spite of having only ninety minutes to write my 1,700ish words for the day, I will still get it done. It’s late at night, anyways. That’s when you get the strong second-wind of motivation. Here’s a great Medium article on the matter:

Sure, these posts might seem negligible. But in my mind, there’s a bigger picture to all of these little articles. Dots that can be connected later to something larger and more meaningful. It’s far easier to just write these little posts rather than plunge into the ice-cold waters of a *big* project. It’s also far better to write these than to write nothing at all. The middle ground between the two, if you will.

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Posted On: Sunday, November 05, 2017

My Writing Process

Antique BlankSource

Five Steps to Go From Brainstorming to Completed Work

Let’s get down to the bare bones to start with: Prepare yourself and focus. Brainstorm and allow yourself to have bad ideas. Outline a thesis. Draft and edit. Cut the non-essential. Now, let’s expand on these ideas…

Today is the third day of November. For some of the day, I’ve been trying to craft a new article to publish. For the large majority though, I’ve just been trying to find new and creative ways to procrastinate!

The first day I wrote about how I’m rebelling against NaNoWriMo this year. Yesterday, I wrote about why I write — a bit of the philosophical and bigger-picture sort of thinking.

Today, I thought I might as well keep on the same topic and talk about the how I write. To detail how exactly to go from a simple and disorderly idea to a completed and coherent article.

There are many steps to this process — from brainstorms to an outline, from drafting to revisions, until you have something publishable.

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Posted On: Friday, November 03, 2017