Bren's Blog —Notes on Everyday Life

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. -Jack Layton




Sometimes, you disappear.

For while now, I have been in hiding. It has been a long while since my last post here on Medium. Since I began my first semester in college in September, I decided that my personal writing was to become a lower priority. I’ve had a near month off, returning on the 9th of January, and decided I’d write something up before the new year began.

It feels hypocritical of me to stop, after being such an advocate for writing every day. I have been working diligently — sure, but by pouring my energy solely into academia, I’ve found a lack of balance. I need to create a new system, one that includes creative writing in my daily routine.

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Posted On: Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why Write?

Notes | Source

Stepping back and reflecting on it all.

Time is Money

A lot of the time, when I’m browsing Medium, I look at the articles that are circulating, the ones that are popular and current, having gained an audience. I ask myself, why was this written? I don’t think it’s an unfair question — it’s difficult to find viral content without it being sprung by some sort of agenda behind it.

Out of many answers, most of them can be summed up by money. Whether it’s ethical (or unethical) sponsored content, or freelance writers with tip jars or that are on Patreon. I’ve thought about doing the latter myself, but it doesn’t seem worth it:

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Posted On: Saturday, June 11, 2016


Boy Running | Source

Talent doesn’t exist, only hard work does.

It should be no secret that, in order to get good at something, one must work hard at it. There are people, though, that will use the excuse that they’re simply not genetically or psychologically fit for things that they find difficult, whether it’s the abstract thinking of mathematics or the strict regiment of working out.

The myth that the differences of our baselines — where we start out — has anything to do with how much progress we’re able to make is powerful, but false.

We all start from different places, but we can all end up in the same place — at the finish line. And for some of us, that may take more work than others, and that is unfair, but it’s still possible. Anybody can become good at anything.

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Posted On: Sunday, June 05, 2016

Adventure is Out There

Adventure | Source

We can all be explorers.

Daydreamers can often be those that are unsatisfied with their life. They search and share motivational posts from social media, they look up the diverse cultures of the world and yearn to travel and interact with them. They might see it all, sure, but only from a distance — and then there’s a sudden and miserable pull back to reality.

The current world we live has been designed and marketed for this kind of dichotomy. To make it feel as though we live a ‘boring, normal’ life that’s miles away from excitement and adventure.

‘There’s too much responsibility’ or ‘there’s not enough time’, are two of many excuses. Or that the aspiring traveller doesn’t have the budget to wander across the world. The truth is, though, that the entire world is filled with undiscovered fascination, including where you are right now — even if you’ve lived there your entire life.

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Posted On: Saturday, June 04, 2016