The Jinx of an Introduction
“Apparently I am pushing a jinx about the streets. I am certain that I can do better with some other wagon. A new cart, a new start.”
–John Kennedy Toole, Author
Here I am, writing my first blog post inside my cozy bedroom. Outside is the typical Canadian winter that I can luckily avoid by staying in and writing.
It’s a jinx to write up introduction posts, no question about it. Right below them—nine times out of ten—is a copyright footer. Too often do writers just abandon whatever project they had in mind right after the first post. You’ll never see an introduction written on a wildly successful website, it’s too full of other things.
Which I usually take as a tragedy, the matter of potential that’s been wasted. My mind wanders to the question to where are they now?, but this is a subject that I could write an entire post about.
And yet, there is a compulsive human need to write one up, and for me that’s trumped logic.
What’s the trick? Keep it short and sweet.