Welcome to the exciting world of online learning! Are you tired of juggling multiple platforms to keep track of your personal education journey? Do you struggle to stay motivated and make steady progress towards your goals? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then you’re in the right place! Introducing Self-Teach Academy, the innovative solution for gamifying your online learning experience. Our platform syncs with various websites and services to provide a centralized dashboard for tracking your progress and showcasing your achievements. And the best part? We use machine learning and artificial intelligence to help you learn smarter. So say goodbye to scattered notes and lost motivation, and join us on a journey to disrupt the education industry!

My Newest Project: Selfteach.Academy/

I think everyone can agree with me that the education sector has been hit by unprecedented challenges this year.

So many educators and teachers are at or beyond their limits. Yet at the same time, there are a multitude of tools online available for free to use, such as Duolingo for language, or Khan Academy for mathematics, that often go underutilized.

In addition to this, nearly every coder I know is self-taught, and there are a wide range of helpful websites to teach programming (Codecademy, LeetCode, Codewars, HackerRank, to name a few).

What if you had a way to keep track of every site or service you were learning with in once place? Self-Teach Academy aims to be the tool to make you not only stick with your learning, but help you effortlessly get better at it.

Visit https://selfteach.academy for more information, and please feel free to contact me with any insights you might have. This idea is still in the incubator.

Our Manifesto: Disrupt the Education Industry!

Turn websites into the modules of your curriculum.

One of the best features of the Internet is the sheer amount of amazing websites and services available to people to learn new things and explore new ideas, with most of them being free!

Ranging from the STEM topics such as mathematics on Khan Academy, computer science on Project Euler, and web development on Codecademy. To the humanities and arts, such an language learning on Memrise and courses on Coursera or EdX, just to name a few.

However, it can be so easy to eagerly start with one of these, but then quickly lose track and forget about it completely because life gets in the way! In spite of our best intentions, when we are our own teacher, we usually start to slack off easily.

Self-Teach Academy aims to be the tool to make you not only stick with your learning, but help you effortlessly get better at it.

Use machine learning and artificial intelligence to help you learn smarter.

The trick is that, with just a couple clicks, you automatically sync your data from dozens of different websites and services to display colorful and informative graphs. This is done through the magic of APIs, among some proprietary tech. And as the platform grows, it will provide you specific insights and recommend other services and classes for you to try.

Some companies focus on habit-sticking and have points, but some don’t. With Self-Teach Academy, you don’t need to worry about that. We use analytics in order to weigh the different kinds of content and progress from different places to be equitable.

Allow yourself to see the forest from the trees.

Our dashboard allows you to see both the specific details of each lesson you’re currently on, but more importantly, it displays the bigger-picture long-term goals you have set for your learning path. As well as insights, such as what subjects you’re focusing on the most.

Most importantly, we believe education should be free and as accessible as possible, which is why we have a self-hosting option available at no charge.

But the Academy’s dashboard isn’t just for personal use – if you’re a teacher looking for an alternative, open-source method to keep track of your students learning, or if you’re a company looking for an a way to focus on getting your employees career-accelerating certification, Self-Teach Academy is the right solution for you.